Birthday and a Bummer
The busyness of life seems to be accelerating quickly as we march towards the holidays and 2020., amiright?
I did want to hit pause on the chaos and celebrate the birth of one of the best humans I know. I’m thankful for your presence in my life. May this be the best year yet.
And I wanted to share a bummer of a situation, since y’all have been on this #finebyforty journey with me.
Two weeks ago, I experienced some tightness in my abdomen during my core workouts and core work in yoga. I spoke with my trainer about it and we adjusted; we let my abdominal area rest.
Last week, at the end of a workout, I had a sharp pain again and something felt off. Long story short, I gave myself a little abdominal tear and an umbilical hernia. It’s not severe, but it’s big enough that it needs to be repaired, which means I’ll be having surgery to close it in the next couple of weeks.
It also means that I’m on a lot of restrictions, as far as physical activities go. No liftings, light cardio and no strain on my core. My trainer and I have come up with a low-impact routine with a limited range of motion to help me maintain my progress over the next 6-8 weeks, as we do the repair and then recovery time.
So, if #finebyforty updates slow down, that’s why. I’ve made changes to my diet to account for the lowered activity level and I’m optimistic that this recovery will go quickly and I’ll be back on the grind in 2020.
This was a bummer, but whaddyagonna, right?