Pete Buttigieg for President
We’re still so far out from the 2020 elections that I’ve gone out of my way to avoid politics. Over the past couple of months, @pete.buttigieg has changed that. As a gay man, of course his journey resonates with me. Of course I want to see a member of my community succeed. But that wasn’t enough to convince me that he deserved my support - especially this early. Then I researched his background. I learned about his education, his service in the armed forces and his time as an elected official. I listened to him speak. I was continuously impressed with his composure, thoughtfulness and with his ideas. I followed his hilarious husband, @chasten.buttigieg, on Twitter. All of this to say: I’m in the race. I believe in Pete’s vision of an inclusive, united country focused on moving forward. I know politics are divisive. I’m from the school where I believe we can agree to disagree if we see the world differently. But I feel strongly that we need a change in 2020. I believe that Pete Buttigieg is the change we need. (My only complaint: like the @myfavoritemurder ladies say...spell it like you say it.) 😊