Hi there. This post is about me because I always love the #meettheartist posts but I’ve never taken the time to do one. Until now! You’re welcome. 😂
LIKES: RAISING DION is my current favorite Netflix binge. JENNY LEWIS is playing Tulsa this week and I can’t wait to see her! SWEATER WEATHER who remembers that SNL skit? So glad it’s finally here tho. WORKING ON MY HOUSE has been a constant theme lately. I’ve put in a gravel patio and now I’m doing a hand-poured cement border around the patio and paths. Fall is the time for WEEKEND TRIPS with the people you love (and like). TEA & A BOOK my favorite part of the season: curling up under a blanket on these cool, rainy days with a glass of tea and escaping into a book. .
DON’T LIKES: I love going to the gym but I loathe LEG DAY even though these legs are fire. Never liked ONIONS on about anything; even worse when they are surprise onions. Tagging on to my likes above, the worst part of reading is the END OF A GOOD BOOK. And, in general, not a huge fan of PEOPLE WHO ARE JERKS.
Commissioned Portrait: Carlos & Derek
Guys! This commission was so much fun to work on and I’ve had the hardest time not sharing it with you sooner. But, you know, it’s apparently bad form to spoil surprises. Derek reached out to me and asked me to work on a portrait as a gift to Carlos for their anniversary. I think it turned out pretty cute. :)
When I do commissioned portraits, you get the digital copies of the final piece to share on social media,. but I also provide high-quality fine art prints of your piece on archival paper. Here’s the final portrait printed 12x12.
Working digitally is my jam, but I sure do love seeing a finished illustration printed off. I think it helps show some of the detail work that might be overlooked on a screen. You can also visit this piece in my portfolio.
Happy anniversary, Carlos & Derek! Thank you for thinking of me and letting me have a small part in celebrating your day! Here’s to many more.
Pete Buttigieg for President
We’re still so far out from the 2020 elections that I’ve gone out of my way to avoid politics. Over the past couple of months, @pete.buttigieg has changed that. As a gay man, of course his journey resonates with me. Of course I want to see a member of my community succeed. But that wasn’t enough to convince me that he deserved my support - especially this early. Then I researched his background. I learned about his education, his service in the armed forces and his time as an elected official. I listened to him speak. I was continuously impressed with his composure, thoughtfulness and with his ideas. I followed his hilarious husband, @chasten.buttigieg, on Twitter. All of this to say: I’m in the race. I believe in Pete’s vision of an inclusive, united country focused on moving forward. I know politics are divisive. I’m from the school where I believe we can agree to disagree if we see the world differently. But I feel strongly that we need a change in 2020. I believe that Pete Buttigieg is the change we need. (My only complaint: like the @myfavoritemurder ladies say...spell it like you say it.) 😊